Revolutionizing Pharmacy Services: A Conversation with Santosh Sahu, CEO and Founder of Charac

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Interview With Santosh Sahu, CEO and Founder of Charac

In the realm of healthcare innovation, Santosh Sahu, the CEO and Founder of Charac, discusses the journey of creating a solution to address medical frustrations, particularly in prescription tracking for diabetics. This interview delves into the genesis of Charac, its mission to digitize the pharmacy sector, and the challenges faced by independent pharmacies.

How Did You Come Up With The Idea For Charac?

Santosh Sahu, having previously founded a digital retail delivery service called On the dot, recognized the need for a similar solution for pharmacies. However, with pharmacies facing significant pressures from various sources, he envisioned Charac as a comprehensive digital platform aiming to enhance pharmacy digitization. Beyond prescription tracking, Charac facilitates online consultations and appointments, elevating the digital experience for both pharmacists and patients.

You Work Almost Exclusively With Independent Pharmacies. Would You Say They Are Under More Pressure Than Other Sectors Of Healthcare?

Independent pharmacies grapple with serious funding issues, experiencing a funding shortfall of £1.1bn annually, exacerbating challenges faced by other primary care services in the UK. Government funding cuts have resulted in a decline in the total number of pharmacies, and a report from the Health and Social Care Committee highlights the need for improvement in government progress on pharmacy commitments. Sahu anticipates that the upcoming ‘Pharmacy First’ program, while designed to direct patients to pharmacies, may intensify pressure on independent pharmacies, emphasizing the urgency for digitization.

Why Do You Think Healthtech Is Key To Solving Issues In The Healthcare Sector?

Sahu emphasizes the slow adaptation of primary healthcare to digitalization, hindering efficiency and quality of care. Healthtech can streamline services, from storing paperwork digitally to implementing prescription services and administration systems. Sahu envisions improved patient care through increased accessibility via telemedicine and the integration of artificial intelligence for predictive healthcare. Charac’s digital platform aims to relieve overworked pharmacists, enhance patient experiences, and create space for revenue-increasing services.

What Has Been Key To Charac’s Success?

Charac’s success is attributed to its direct addressing of issues faced by independent pharmacies, providing a sustainable, long-term solution. Partnerships with the NPA and MedAdvisor play a crucial role in expanding Charac’s reach both nationally and internationally, allowing pharmacies to remain competitive and grow revenue independently.

What Does Your Recent Partnership With Australia-Based MedAdvisor Mean For The Business?

Charac’s collaboration with MedAdvisor marks an international expansion, reaching customers in Australia, New Zealand, and the USA through a licensing agreement. This partnership strengthens Charac’s global presence and aims to deliver advanced digital pharmacy support services and e-commerce capabilities to pharmacists and patients worldwide.

What Can We Hope To See From Charac In The Future?

As Charac grows, its mission is to support independent pharmacies in achieving a more sustainable model and reducing reliance on government funding. The integration of artificial intelligence into Charac’s systems is envisioned for proactive primary care, identifying healthcare needs and prompting patients to book appointments or order medications. Strengthening the digital interoperability of the wider healthcare ecosystem is Charac’s core mission, with a focus on reaching and supporting as many pharmacies as possible.

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