From £10 to Dessert Royalty: A British Pakistani’s Odyssey in London’s Dessert Scene

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My dad came to the UK with just £10 in his pocket – now I own one of the most popular dessert places in London’

Asad Khan, a British Pakistani entrepreneur, unfolds his inspiring journey from the modest roots of immigrant parents to becoming the owner of one of London’s most sought-after dessert establishments. The founder of Snowflake Gelato, Asad’s narrative is a testament to ambition, familial influence, and the pursuit of passion.

In a conversation with MyLondon, Asad reflects on the pivotal moment of showing his dad the fruition of his dreams, a sentiment echoed by the pride he felt after leaving his accounting career to embark on an entrepreneurial venture in the food industry.

Growing up in the environment of his father’s greengrocer store, Asad imbibed essential customer service skills, setting the stage for his future endeavors. He shares, “When I was growing up, I thought I would be in the corporate world as my dad wanted me to be a professional… he didn’t really want me to open up a shop.”

Although initially following the path his father envisioned, Asad qualified as an accountant and even had the opportunity to lead a division in Dubai. However, the allure of his passion for food proved stronger, prompting him to leave the corporate world and create his own brand.

Inspired by his frequent trips to Italy, Asad, along with his cousins, founded Snowflake Gelato in Bayswater in 2012. The success of the first store led to expansions in Soho and prestigious locations like Selfridges and Harvey Nichols. Asad’s dreams of global recognition became a reality, with Snowflake Gelato now boasting six stores in London, one in Manchester, and international outlets in Jeddah and Doha.

Reflecting on a significant moment, Asad shares, “One of my proudest moments was taking my dad to Selfridges to see our concession stand – especially as he was a shopkeeper himself.”

While leveraging his corporate background, Asad collaborates with chef Paolo to create distinctive gelato flavors. Despite initial reservations about entering the dessert business, Asad’s vision and belief in his venture propelled Snowflake Gelato into an international brand.

Expanding beyond ice cream, Snowflake Luxury Gelato introduces a delectable hot chocolate range this winter, featuring flavors like regular, hazelnut, and winter spice.

Asad Khan’s journey exemplifies the importance of following one’s passion, bridging generations, and realizing global aspirations from humble beginnings. Snowflake Gelato stands not just as a dessert haven but as a symbol of entrepreneurial triumph rooted in familial heritage and unwavering determination.

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